Commonsense Ways to Prevent Coronavirus or COVID-19


Commonsense Ways to Prevent Coronavirus or 2019-CoV
Friendly words of advice around prevention from

Bruce Maslack, MD, and Suzanne Lynch

"The new coronavirus is almost here, but we have some time to get ready to cope with it. We can use this time well. Learn about this disease on the CDC site."

1) What is known is that coronavirus is very contagious. Many will have few, if any symptoms, a mild version of the disease.  If you have a cold, stay home. This will avoid spreading the infection to others. It is spread through the air by coughing or sneezing, and it lives at least 9 days on environmental surfaces.

2) Stop smoking cigarettes or vaping now.  This is a disease that more severely affects those who have respiratory problems.  Even 10 days without tobacco will help, but remember that the Coronavirus risk may last at least 2 years and the healthier you are, the better.

3) Get plenty of sleep, you want to feel rested and stay as relaxed as possible throughout the epidemic.  As it says in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Don't panic." (And the CDC also echos this advise.)

4)  Plan some quiet, enjoyable pursuits that don't involve crowds.  It's time to get cozy at home. Take walks in the countryside, work in the garden, connect to friends by phone or social media. We can still get together if we are healthy, and over time many of us will survive infection and have immunity. 

5) Wearing a mask could give you a false sense of security.  They are not proven to protect you from coronavirus or stop the spread of the infection.  Wear one if you are sick.  They should be warn by health care workers and those caring for others who have coronavirus.  The N95 mask is recommended.

6)  Unless you are really sick, stay out of doctors offices, emergency departments, and hospitals.  That's where sick people will be.  Medical providers may have their hands full.  Call your doctor with questions. 

7) Many places might close, especially places where crowds gather. These might include churches, schools, businesses, and sporting events.  If possible, avoid crowds: airplanes, trains, buses, and cruise ships.

8) A daily routine that includes movement, rest, nourishing whole foods, meditation, and plenty of sleep can be beneficial in the long run to support health and our immune system.

9) Wash your hands twice as long and twice as often as is usual.  The virus survives well on environmental surfaces.  A daily cleaning of surfaces helps reduce hazards, but remember to wash yourself too.  Hand wash before eating, and be careful touching your nose, or near your eyes - wash after blowing your nose or sneezing or coughing.