Recipe: Asian Eggplant with Peanut Sauce


Recipe: Asian Eggplant with Peanut Sauce

From World Vegetarian: 650 Meatless Recipes from Around the World

by Madhur Jaffrey

I usually double this recipe for Bruce and I, and triple it for bigger groups. It's a huge late summer favorite when eggplants are in season, and can made quickly, served warm or at room temperature. This variety of eggplant is delicious, not bitter, so easy to prepare, and the peanut sauce is fantastic on other veggies or on noodles.

Serves 2-4


4 small Italian or Japanese eggplant (10 ounces), about 6 inches long

For the sauce:

4 teaspoons freshly made peanut butter from a health food shop or 4 tablespoons roasted peanuts ground to a paste in a clean coffee grinder

4 teaspoons soy sauce

4 teaspoons distilled white vinegar

2 teaspoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry

1 tablespoon oriental sesame oil

2 teaspoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon chili paste with soybean or chili paste with garlic, option

1/2 teaspoon very finely chopped ginger

4 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro leaves

4 teaspoons finely diced fresh cilantro stems


Quarter the eggplants lengthwise and then cut them crosswise into 3-inch segments. Steam over high heat for 10 to 15 minutes, or until tender. 

Meanwhile, combine all the ingredients for the sauce, except the cilantro leaves, in a bowl and mix well.

When the eggplants are tender, gently lift them out and arrange them neatly in a single layer on a large platter. Stir the sauce. Add the cilantro leaves to it and mix again. Pour the sauce evenly over the eggplants. Sprinkle the cilantro stems over the top and serve at room temperature or chilled.
