Kindness Always, Especially Now

Maybe the best thing we could all do right now is extend some kindness to ourselves.  

Right now you might be seeing the effects of prolonged stress on your body and mind and heart:
Feeling like you can't take "One more thing".
Weight gain
Sleep problems
More anxiety

Take a kindness break, and start small:
-A few deep breaths
-A stroll
-A quiet lunch without screens
-One less glass of wine at dinner (or lunch!)
-Being grateful for what's going right
-Finding something to celebrate in yourself and others

Look at building positive habits as a way to show kindness to ourselves.  (Not to improve ourselves or become "better" people.)  
Most of us have pretty corrosive thinking habits that can be both conscious and unconscious.  Often, when we try meditation we start to hear those harsh inner voices emerging. Kindness is the key to shifting those patterns.

Extending kindness to ourselves has so many benefits: learning and growing become easier, we become less afraid of failure, and importantly, we become able to look beyond ourselves and be kind and loving to others.