Beauty Sleep: Helps You Stay Healthy, and Thinner


Grabbing a coffee in the late afternoon along with some chocolate is one solution to combat low energy, and helps us in the short term. We get that needed boost to make it through our demanding day. Later that night, we may be too wound up to sleep. Sound familiar?

The Bad News: After some time, perhaps years, of depending on caffeine and sugar for energy, our overall energy level diminishes, and our metabolism does not function properly. This scenario is fairly common in our culture, where long hours of work, and lack of sleep can actually be a source of esteem and pride.

If we are sleep deprived, and our metabolism is not functioning properly we may gain weight.

When we get less than 7.5 hours of sleep, our hormonal balance shifts. We end up with more of a hormone called “ghrelin”, that tells us to eat, and less of another hormone, “leptin”, that tells us to STOP eating.

Beauty Sleep: is it overrated?

Short answer: no.

There’s not a single tissue in the body that is not beneficially affected by sleep. Sleep is the single most important thing you can do everyday to reset and restore your brain and body.

SleepSuzanne LynchComment