Nourish Yourself Now

Enjoying meals is one thing that’s possible to do, even in the middle of a pandemic. And it’s summertime—abundant veggies and juicy fruits are here at last! 

Over the last 5 years, I've taught about kitchen systems in the Nourish Your Vitality Course. 
Supper should take 20 min to prep, max, plus I want it to be delicious and nourishing.

This takes a little planning, practice, and, of course, I have to make sure I have groceries in the house, but in the long term I save time and money. And, it’s so calming to know that dinner is handled. 

Here's a 4 min video for homemade tahini, using Alice Water's recipe from her book My Pantry. It's delicious on flatbread for breakfast, and so high in calcium just a teaspoon a day helps bones stay strong.  Enjoy!