A Hamburger is a Whole Food


Let your body be your guide in terms of nourishment. I've seen there's no "one size fits all" when it comes to food, but one rule of thumb we can all use is to avoid processed foods, or anything you couldn't create in your own kitchen. (For instance, Pringles can't be made at home!) And remember, a hamburger is a whole food, as is an egg, an apple, brown rice, fresh veggies, and fruits. The more processed a food is the more likely it is to have additives that harm us--and over a lifetime those additives can add up.

More guidelines around food:

No Bad Foods:

We all know life isn't all vegetables and good behavior. If you are really craving brownies, go for it--but try to make them yourself, use quality ingredients. And REALLY , sit down and savor them!

Most of the Time Think Soft:

If you're going through a challenging time soupy foods that are already cooked together are most optimal. Soupy foods are healing and regenerating. The liquid flows down your throat and into your stomach and it is easily digested, absorbing those nutrients is also easy. Creamy curries, stews with shredded meat, and slow cooked lentils can all support good digestion.

A Belly Glowing Like the Sun:

Feeling satisfied and energized after eating is the goal. Are you feeling tired after meals? Maybe lighter foods would be a better choice. Soaking rice, beans, or almonds before eating can make them easier to digest. And, for some people, meat might be essential, but for others it takes too much energy to digest. Tune into how you feel after eating and let your body be your guide.

Love Those Fats:

A love affair with good fats keeps you thriving. Take your choice of cold pressed fats like coconut, olive, sesame, walnut, and avocado, oily cold-water fish like sardines, or grass and pasture raised meat and butter. Healthy fats help you balance your hormones, keep your brain function sharp, build a healthy immune system, and support your mood. If dairy works for you a soft creamy goat cheese can be just the ticket. An easy energy boost can be a spoonful of nut butter. You get the idea.

Your ancestors almost certainly cooked simple food while getting on with life. Eating well can be very simple.