Greetings from Tuscany!


Dear Friends,

Sending out greetings to you all from our base camp in Tuscany! I'm here visiting my family, including a new grandson, through May 22. It's really exciting and I'm so happy to be able to be here at this special time!​

For the first time in 18 months Bruce and I are traveling. We arrived six days ago and although we were on a “Covid Free” flight it was also necessary to quarantine. And, while we missed seeing friends and family for 5 days, this time has turned out to be a blessing. We’ve been able to turn inward, take walks, sleep, cook, and have time for yoga and meditation. It’s been so important to let our energy replenish, because more than we consciously knew, we were running on empty.

​​All around us we can see the countryside coming to life and we can feel all that potential energy supporting us. And paradoxically, this new life has also made us think about the limited time we have on earth, and what we want next for ourselves. We're listening to our hearts instead of our heads about the what the path ahead might be.

I’m struck by what a very uncomfortable process it can be to slow down. There’s a physical “off gassing” of all this stress. I can see I've been in a state of hyper-vigilance for the last year, and it’s taking some time to let go of that pattern. To stay still and let all this junk leave is not easy. For us, even though we didn’t lose loved ones, it was a brutal year, and we are incredibly grateful Bruce stayed healthy while working in the hospital.

Letting go of the accumulated fear and anxiety is what’s needed now. This slowing down right now feels like a kind of essential life support. Without it we’d just continue to struggle along in depletion.

Over this quarantine I've had time to reflect on the losses of the last year: the loss of physical contact, of so many opportunities, of a feeling of stability and safety. And there are still so many losses that I’m not yet able to name. And, I know that through loss evolution happens. It’s how we grow. So much has been brought to light, around our health, racism, and the health of our democracy, it’s a time of incredible transformation.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you all after 2 weeks off, and to practicing together again! I'll begin live-stream yoga classes from Tuscany starting May 3d! It's so much easier to do yoga and meditation with community support.

Check out the programs I'm offering this year to support growth and transformation!​

Nourish Your Vitality begins June 14th! Create the conditions to step more fully into your heart’s desire and focus on your health at all levels. This course now includes more deep rest and delight (in scientific terms, cortisol reduction) than ever before. These are so essential to the times we are living in, and have a tremendous positive impact on health. You’ll find all the juicy details here:

Interested in reserving a spot? Click the link below! These calls help us both determine if you're a good fit, and help you get more clear around your next steps.

Take advantage of the Early Sign Up Bonus going on now! When you register for NYV you receive immediate access to my yoga membership, Reset for Resiliency.

Reset for Resiliency Yoga Membership: join in a live-stream yoga class or choose one of my on-demand videos from the library. It doesn’t matter if you a beginner or are finding your way back to yoga classes. We'll build habits based in joy and create community together. I bring 20 years of experience teaching yoga and guiding people to live more fulfilled live. It’s a kind of miracle to be able to access yoga classes from home, and I’m loving leading these classes. Starting May 3rd I will be teaching from Italy.

Balanced Immunity: 4 Weeks to Restore and Enliven, begins June 14th!Get a taste of what it’s like to work with me in this course designed to build peace and ease into every day. We’ll cover the basics of good health with live calls every week. Getting the support you need to help you feel more vibrant than you have in years is the first step. Find out more here: